to be heard
To Be Heard was born from a question, a contradiction, a fascination. Fascinated by the sonorities, by the soundtracks present in our daily life and by the capacity sounds has to immediatly activate our feelings and memories, I asked myself how would be possible to develop a choreography which is focalized on the acoustic and sensorial experience rather than in the movement. How to use dance to generate sensations, to wake up memories and to activate the acoustic perception of the espectator? How to deal with the contradiction to use dance, a media strongly based on the visuality, to provocate sonic sensations?
Starting from these questions, To Be Heard invites to a travel that transites between inside and outside of two bodies, between ways of conflict and imprisonment of desires. It is a state of emergency of to be heard, to be perceived and to be lived. The audience is invited to jump in a sensorial travel that transites between listening, seeing, sensing, imaging and remembering.
Choreography: Bianca Mendonça
Danced: Valérie Kommer, Carmen Kraus and Marília Silva.
Sounddesign: Senking
Photos Robin Junique
Performances: Favoriten Festival 2014, Now&Next 2015- Tanzhaus NRW, OUTNOW Festival - Bremen- 201