Co2 and other Toxins
Breath in. Breath out. Breath in. Breath out
Breath in. Breath in. Breath in.
In the human body, asphyxia is caused by insufficient supply of oxygen and results in the accumulation of toxic carbon dioxide (Co2) in the lungs. Asphixya was the physical response that we, as a group of physical performers, found dealing with the images of the landscape of Rio Doce after the chemical accident occured in November 2015, when the entire flora and fauna of Rio Doce in Mariana, southeast of Brazil, were killed by a chemically contaminated clay, after one of the worse dam breaking in history. In the photographs one can see a landscape destroyed by a toxic clay which carries the memory of dead within itself.
Live-cinema, dance and sound design is used to make Co2 and Other Toxins an immersive experience.
Choreographic Conception and artistic direction: Bianca Mendonça
Audiovisual Conception: Thaís de Almeida Prado
Choreography and Performance: Thaís de Almeida Prado, Katharina Geyer and Bianca Mendonça
Production assistent: Carla Jordão
Production (Brazil): Priscilla Carbone (SP) and Rafael Carvalho (MG)
Production and Management (Germany): Bianca Mendonça.
Dates Germany:
December 15th 2016 - tanz.tausch Festival - Cologne
June 13th 2017 - First Steps Festival - Krefeld
Dates Brazil:
July 29th 2017 - Inverno Cultural - São João del Rei
August 3rd 2017 - Teatro Cássia Eller - São Paulo
August 4th 2017 - Centro Regional de Dança -São Paulo
October 31st and November 1st, 2nd and 3rd 2019 - SESC Pompéia - São Paulo